Application Form

Cheltenham Owners Club Membership Application

I/We hereby apply for membership /to renew membership of the Cheltenham Owners Club and agree to abide by the appended club rules.

I enclose cheque for £15 made payable to Cheltenham Owners Club or  BACS payment to Lloyds  Account name: Cheltenham Owners Club. Sort Code: 30-65-22 Account no: 80875460 using name and N/M as reference.

Please send to John Marsland, 7 Cawthorne Lane, Wrelton Pickering,North Yorkshire YO18 8PQ.

If renewing please consider downloading form from C.O.C Website and e.mailing to and making a  BACS payment to Lloyds  Account name: Cheltenham Owners Club. Sort Code: 30-65-22 Account no: 80875460 using membership number and name as reference.

A standing order set up with your bank greatly assists the club.

Do you want to receive your membership card by E.mail/ Post/Included in Spring Mailout/Brought to an event.

Surname (s)__________________________




Post Code ____________

E.mail address_____________________________________

Tel Nos.___________________________________________

Van Model____________ Year _______ Chassis No._________

Van Condition. Concours/Excellent Original/Good useable/Under Restoration

Awaiting restoration.

All details will be securely stored on paper and electronically for Club use only.

I consent to the above use of my data.

Date ______